
If you are good religious person than you already know a little bit about the Judgment of God and about God’s nature.  God’s Holy Spirit would want that no one should fail while living and working on earth. Since the world was created  we have been given many chances to live on earth so we can learn how to live and learn impòrtant lessons. One important lesson is,  How we make our world affects us in the future.

The lessons that prepare you for God’s Judgment, whenever it occurs, are still with us and can be found in many books.  Knowing how to live is one of those lessons and most of us know how to live.  We know we should repent when we do wrong.  We know we should be good people and honest people and to try to live in peace.  What ruins the earth for many people is called wrong ambition.  People who have wrong ambitions often fall to the practices of corruption. Still corruption is something we should be able to resolve ourselves,  but when we can’t God’s judgment is there for us. When things get out of hand and government organizational life and even business becomes an institution of death and sin and we are no longer able to control it, that we need help and thats what the Judgment of God and God’s Holy Spirit is there for.

The Judgment of God not only helps us clean up government it evaluates average people at every level society.  In this latest crises different levels of organized crime existed.  The Freemason occult and white supremacy were at the top level of this organized crime syndicate.  At its lower levels various organized crime terrorists groups helpèd white supremacy to commit ethnic cleansing, create poverty, disparity, kill women and massacre human’s by the millions while trafficking in children for sacrifices to moloch.  So you see why the Judgment of God must help us when matters get out of hand like they did,

During times like today there are many people who could do more to help society take down aftermath problems such as the mass media that lies to the general public pretending that men who have been Judged by God are still in power. This gets judged too very seriously.

During the Judgment of God, the police and military and everyone is affected. The Judgment of God and the help of God’s Holy Spirit is unique to each crisis that we experience on the earth. Since our latest Judgment started in 2011-2012 many average people have gotten another chance.

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